Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I think my laptop has been infected with a virus?

it started being slow and then not opening certain programs, and now i can't open any programs or files unless in safe mode. i've restore my system, used spyware and adware scans, and got nothing. when i run avast antivirus it shows a file that it is unable to move or delete. i need to fix this cos it's pretty much put my laptop outa commission. any suggestions welcome, but no online fixes plz, cos i'm having to use the net on another pc. all help appreciated!

I think my laptop has been infected with a virus?antispyware

trying running avast at bootup. I believe it has the option to scan before other programs are ran. It is likely that the unmoveable file is open and running.

Also, you could look into using a boot cd. like BartsPE. Boot with this, then run your AV program.

I think my laptop has been infected with a virus?best antivirus software

Do the following steps. Right click avast icon%26gt;%26gt; Start avast antivirus%26gt;%26gt; menu%26gt;%26gt; schedule boot-time scan%26gt;%26gt; schedule.

It will scan before you start windows. a little bit too long. good luck!
You may be sh*t out of luck. Try updating Avast (from the Avast menu and see if that helps. You could also try system restore which will roll back your system to a previous setting which works sometimes.

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